The answer involves some misunderstanding on the part of our fellow civic groups. While we all want renewable energy and climate solutions, this ZTA is not the way to get there as it lacks protections for the very things that environmental groups usually agree need protecting.
Case in point, this recent jubilant email from CCAN asking supporters to celebrate the "compromise" ZTA that came out of committee ready for debate at the full Council in September. CCAN email in italics, our clearing up of misstatements in below.
Additionally, it has become clear in committee hearings that the backers of this ZTA are looking for far more than this first 1800 acres for solar located on productive farmland. Despite the holistic approach of the report from the County's own climate change working group, ZTA architect Councilmember Riemer seems to be putting all his chips on field mounted solar to achieve the renewable/energy reduction portfolio we need to get to the County's climate goals.
County government leaders have made it clear that we cannot meet our County’s ambitious climate-emergency goals without allowing a limited amount of solar to co-exist with agriculture. We now have a compromise that gets us there.
The ZTA will be moving to the full council in September, we will be asking you to once again arise your voice for a policy that truly does promote renewable energy, natural systems and the 40 year old promise of the Agricultural Reserve.