ZTA 20-01 is proposing 1800 acres of industrial solar be allowed in the Ag Reserve with no protections for prime soils/forests/water quality and no stipulations that the energy stays local.
Among many deleterious impacts of this ZTA, one is a chilling effect on leasing to these new farmers. In comparing the income generated by industrial scale solar to lease income from a table crop producer, there is no contest. When large scale solar is allowed in the Ag Reserve, old farmers are priced off the land and new farmers are completely shut out in the only part of the County set aside for farming. Please take two minutes to take action.
To truly have an impact on the wider food system, it is these lateral connections that need to form just like the Co-Op market, but first we need to grow the next generation of farmers. Industrial solar is not an agricultural use and would take land out of production now and in the future. Again - please take two minutes to take action here.