Thanks to all those that applied - we have made 5 grants totaling $23,000 in support of farm infrastructure that will grow more fresh food for local food banks!
Reports from the field:
Reports from the field:
Farm at Our House shows off the fencing built with last year's grant - coming soon more fencing to protect more harvests headed to local food banks.
We had a great first round of Good Fences Grants. Check out our 2023 report video below as we plan to expand the program in 2024.
Meet our Grantees...
It starts with local farms...
Land access is key to a new or expanding enterprise – that is why MCA started our Land Link program in 2011 to connect small scale producers to local landowners offering long term leases. 500+ matched acres later we are celebrating the many successful new farms that sprang from these partnerships. Yet connecting new farmers with land is only part of what makes a viable farm and a successful harvest.
Infrastructure is also key – and a hurdle to some farms getting started. Water can be trucked in, we’ve made it easier for farmers to share equipment on our Producers Listserve, but fencing remains a real barrier (sorry) to farms having viable harvests. Just ask Farm at Our House of Brookeville who lost a field of strawberries to deer 4 seasons in a row until securing cost share for fencing - fencing is a required investment for a farm in Montgomery County. An investment that will bear fruit - literally.
Infrastructure is also key – and a hurdle to some farms getting started. Water can be trucked in, we’ve made it easier for farmers to share equipment on our Producers Listserve, but fencing remains a real barrier (sorry) to farms having viable harvests. Just ask Farm at Our House of Brookeville who lost a field of strawberries to deer 4 seasons in a row until securing cost share for fencing - fencing is a required investment for a farm in Montgomery County. An investment that will bear fruit - literally.
and unprecedented need...
Food insecurity is up 50% both in Montgomery County and nationally during the pandemic. The pandemic, inflation and supply chain woes have made it very difficult for food banks to source the fresh produce that supplements the typical non-perishable offerings for food bank clients. The MoCo Food Bank reported that in June of 2020 86% of local food banks were unable to provide fresh produce to their clients. This is even more true of “culturally appropriate” food, the farm products that are familiar to the large immigrant populations in our diverse county. Examples include Asian greens, heirloom African tubers and grains that are not widely available in our area. With people of color twice as likely to experience food insecurity, sourcing these products is an imperative.
with a homegrown solution...
Dependable sources of locally grown food are a cost-effective solution for local food banks. More and more land seekers are applying to Land Link intending to dedicate part or all of their harvest to local hunger relief efforts. Many of these farmers have long experience in growing culturally appropriate foods but lack the capital for large upfront investment in farm infrastructure. Investment in fencing will free up their funds for land leases and other needed inputs to get growing.
You can help ramp up our efforts to grow more farms and feed more residents in MoCo. Help us match the County's seed funding today.
Background and FAQ:
See also our BIPOC guide (in partnership with the county Office of Agriculture) and the full list of producers resources.
(Where should gardeners take extras down county - if you know drop us a line - [email protected])
- What is Land Link?
- More resources on food security and a deep dive on culturally appropriate food from the MoCo Food Council
- How Will This Grant Work?
- Who should apply?
- I'd like to apply for the grant for my farm/farmland
- What are some other similar grant opportunities for farms?
See also our BIPOC guide (in partnership with the county Office of Agriculture) and the full list of producers resources.
- I'm a farm or other business that wants to donate to food banks - how do I do that?
- I'm a gardener and I have more ___ than I can possibly eat.
(Where should gardeners take extras down county - if you know drop us a line - [email protected])