Update 6/2023 - Frederick County Court Ordered to Release Documents on Sugarloaf Plan proposed developer carveouts - previously hidden citing "client privilege" Sugarloaf Alliance Press Release
The Frederick County Planning Board chose good governance and transparency and added the carve out back into the protective plan, extending the protections all the way west of 270 and all the way east to the Monocacy River- the historical boundary of this region. Now that the plan is in the final phases at the FredCo Council, there are again machinations on the part of Mr. Natelli and others and a new amendment that will be introduced by one or more Councilmembers. This amendment would seemingly allow spot zoning changes throughout the protected area - seriously weakening the plan.
"Quantum Loophole’s first-of-its-kind data center campus offers city-scale infrastructure for hyperscale, colocation, and purpose-built data center developers. The more than 2,100-acre, master-planned site sits just 20 ms from the massive, but constrained, Ashburn ecosystem." - Business Wire
Frederick's QL data center construction is a sister to the one they have built 20 miles away. Too bad there was not more capacity to have all the cloud computing in one spot - no big deal, QL will just create a 40 mile pipeline through the Agricultural Reserve and under the Potomac River in 3 places - entitled QLoop to enable data transfer. And here we were told the internet was actually not a series of tubes.
- Share this newsletter to your email friends
- Invite everyone to sign the petition - we’re over 1,000 - let’s get even more from Frederick Co.
- Share our website: www.sugarloaf-alliance.org
- Share our facebook page: Facebook@sugarloafalliance
- Many hands, as they say…. We’re all volunteers. We do what we can. Even if you’ve commented 15 times before, please comment again and again and again. The boundary issue is back. Show up, call in, email. Contact your Council Member. Contact the At-Large Council Members. Contact Council Member Jessica Fitzwater who is running for County Executive, who may be in charge of implementing the Plan and who has yet to take a position. Tell them all:
- You support the Plan’s I-270 boundary from Montgomery County to the Monocacy.
- You support the Overlay and the Plan’s preservation goals for the Sugarloaf area.
- Include a statement about why you appreciate the rural character of the area west of I-270 and why you believe dense development should continue to be focused on the east side of I-270.
- You oppose the paragraph on page 54, which opens the door to short-term Plan amendments because it creates an explicit opportunity for developers to quickly push for Plan changes despite more than 2 years of work and public input on the current version.
- Thank the Council Members for their support of the Sugarloaf Plan.
- Find more talking points at our website: sugarloaf-alliance.org
- Email your comments to the County Council at [email protected].
- Email or call your Council Member, the At-Large Members, and Candidate Fitzwater:
Michael Blue (VP, District 5) [email protected], 301-600-1034
Jerry Donald* (District 1), [email protected], 301-600-2336
Jessica Fitzwater (District 4), [email protected], 301-600-2336
M.C. Keegan-Ayer (Pres., District 3), [email protected], 301-600-1101
Kai Hagen (At Large), [email protected], 301-600-2336
Phil Dacey (at Large), [email protected], 301-600-1034