"Much more later, no doubt...but I am thrilled to share a quick, "hot off the press" announcement that, in the last hour, the Frederick County Planning Commission made a couple of decisions and approved the draft of the Sugarloaf Treasured Landscape Management Plan...WITH the expansion of the planning area in both of the areas (see the photo below) that were the subject of so much attention the last few months, AND with the application of the conservation district (overlay zone) over the entire area.
The approved draft will now go to:
1) The Maryland Department of Planning for a 60 day review, and...
2) The Frederick County Council
... simultaneously. In other words, the council can and will begin its review of the draft while it is also undergoing the state review.
Let me be as clear as I can be: This is a great plan! Before the recent changes (to expand the planning area and overlay district) it was already a great plan that happened to have a couple of flaws...that have now been fixed, so far, in my opinion.
The final word on this will be determined by four (or more) members of the county council.
Kudos to the administration and staff, the members of the Planning Commission, and the many many individuals and organizations that have actively and effectively engaged in the process to date!
The full plan is here.
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