Boosters of this proposal have touted the (suggestion) of co-location of agriculture (i.e - grass that may or may not be grazed) and the requirement for certification under Maryland's Solar Pollinator Certification. This part is also deeply flawed and everyone who relies on pollinators (i.e - everyone) should be deeply concerned.
"This ZTA relies on Maryland’s solar pollinator requirements, which have been strongly protested by the beekeeping and pollinator community. As the Central Maryland Beekeepers and Maryland Pesticide Education Network have previously raised, the existing state standard allows for a solar facility to qualify as exceeding pollinator habitat standards while routinely spraying pesticides. This is unacceptable. This effectively invites pollinators to visit the habitat while poisoning them.
No pollinator habitat should be certified that allows the routine spraying of pollinator-killing pesticides. While the state program is flawed, Montgomery County should reject it and create their own that does not allow for the routine spraying of pesticides."