While this plan offers far, far more protection to the Creek and Reservoir that provide backup drinking water to 4.3 Million than the plans offered by the Planning Board, the lower impervious levels are only part of the story as we call on the full Council to add strict mitigation efforts (forested buffers, for example) that will maintain the Creek's superior health. As water quality consultants testified yesterday- Ten Mile Creek is, in their words, an "unusual treasure", the cleanest creek in Montgomery, Howard and Carroll Counties combined. Impervious levels are a part of protecting this treasure but we have to be sure we get it right as damage to the Creek can't be undone. We only have to look to West Virginia to see why we have to protect our water supplies to the fullest extent we can.
See the photo below (click to enlarge) to see what each impervious level cap plan would have meant for the Creek:
More also needs to be done for Clarksburg, to fulfill the promises of a walkable Town Center. As many Ten Mile Creek supporters are also Clarksburg residents, they remind us that clean water and a thriving town are not mutually exclusive.
Some Thank Yous are in order -
Thanks to the 30 member organizations of the Save Ten Mile Creek Coalition and all who wrote in, called and generally spoke for the Creek and future generations who will rely on it. Your tenacity kept this issue front and center and made this better outcome possible.
Thanks to the "Gang of Three"- former Moco public servants Royce Hanson, Scott Fosler and John Menke- who gave historical perspective and urged a forward looking decision- and all others that gave expert testimony over the past year and a half.
Thanks to the Council Committees who heard the testimony and moved toward honoring scientific recommendations in the face of immense developer pressure to do otherwise. Particular kudos go to Councilmembers Berliner, Elrich and Riemer for proposing the most protective impervious caps.
There is more to do, your help got us this far. If you aren't already a member of MCA- join us for the work ahead.