More on Regenerative Agriculture:
SARE offers an interactive Soil Health Diagram
Soil Becomes Fertile Ground for Climate Action
Video- Why Microbes in the soil are so important
Meet Del Fricke: Nebraska's Regenerative Ag Apostle
Regenerative Ag on a backyard garden scale
Regenerative Ag comes to 1 Million General Mills Acres
Rodale: Explaining Regenerative Organic Agriculture
Pete's Power Point on Hemp Production
Link to MD Hemp Getting Started
Link to MD Grower Application
Link to MD Hemp FAQ's
In particular, I wanted to point out this section below. It is possible that this has already changed, but I just wanted to encourage people to be cautious when trying to acquire seed. Getting sued/arrested for a simple misunderstanding of the laws would be a major bummer.
(as of 1/28/2019)
Q: How can a participant obtain industrial hemp seed?
A: The department will not be involved or participate in any seed orders to be obtained from other states, including ordering, shipping, or approving such seed procurement. Seed sourced from another state shall be the sole responsibility of the person sourcing and/or procuring and shipping the seed and such person shall bear all legal liability and responsibility for such procurement and shipment. The permit holder must be aware that until the federal government reclassifies industrial hemp, it is still considered a Schedule 1 Drug. The Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) has jurisdiction covering imports and interstate movement. Under current federal law and DEA regulations, industrial hemp seed is restricted from interstate shipment.
Anne and Eric Nordell in PA are famous for their weed control, cover crop system, and vegetable rotations. They have (I think) six acres, and they use draft horses when they need them. They keep about half of their land in cover crops during the growing season, but they do not bring in a lot of off-farm inputs. I think they are now incorporating animals into their system, but in the old days they were all veggies and cut flowers. I would suggest studying their system which has evolved over the last 35 years for regenerative ag ideas that MoCo Producers might be able to use. I am attaching a few links that demonstrate how they started and how they farm now.
Recent podcast—audio only http://www.farmertofarmerpodcast.com/episodes/nordell
Small Farm Journal—has about 20 articles here showing how Anne and Eric evolved their system https://smallfarmersjournal.com/writers/eric-nordell/
Good article in MOFGA Journal from 2001 (Eric and Anne look so young!) http://www.mofga.org/Publications/The-Maine-Organic-Farmer-Gardener/Spring-2001/Weeds
Excellent description of their system in the New Farm magazine http://www.newfarm.org/features/1204/nordell/
Sophia's Power Point
Regenerative farming is such a love and I can chit chat forever! Here are just some of the modern voices in the small, bio-intensive, no-till and regenerative farming arena.
I am happy to share about my experiences here on my website: https://www.farmergigi.com/
Here is a great start to Richard Perkins info, see parts 1 and 2:
Here is some of Conor Crickmore, of Neversink Farm:
Here is Curtis Stone, a lot of the new, urban farmers start out with his videos:
Here is my mentor, the maestro, Jean-Martin Fortier. His book, The Market Gardener is a model for successful small farming. He no longer does low till, he has moved to no till. Some of these are older videos.
Here is one of my mentors, Paul Gautschi. It took me 5 hours to watch this 90 minute film and I've watched several times since. Paul has been a gift to me, generous and consistent. This film is done by two film students who recognized his unique perspective. Video:
or on Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/backtoedenofficialfilm/23623403