*Mark Mills and Land Link producer Tanya Spandlha talk farming on Maryland Public Television:
*Gwen Reese and Sugarland Community featured in the new African American Museum: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hg42ThWgkr0
*Cheers to the Potomac Hunt - a preservation award:
Just released from Royce Hanson... Suburb

A pervasive theme of Suburb involves the struggle for influence over land use policy between two virtual suburban republics. Developers, their business allies, and sympathetic officials sought a virtuous cycle of market-guided growth in which land was a commodity and residents were customers who voted with their feet. Homeowners, environmentalists, and their allies saw themselves as citizens and stakeholders with moral claims on the way development occurred and made their wishes known at the ballot box. In a book that will be of particular interest to planning practitioners, attorneys, builders, and civic activists, Hanson evaluates how well the development pattern produced by decades of planning decisions served the public interest.