Fear Not! Over the past years 3 new days on the calendar have emerged as a counterweight to the frantic shopping and schlepping that the holidays can become. We are partnering with the county Department of Environmental Protection for the "Gift Outside the Box" campaign - urging folks to shop local, shop green and reduce waste and emissions and maybe even increase joy.
May we humbly suggest a Re-Leaf Honor Card - you give in honor or memory, we send a card to your loved one with thanks for helping plant forever forests in MoCo (5000 trees...and counting!)
Opt Outside is a campaign by outdoor retailer REI to urge families to spend their holiday time outside instead of at the mall on Black Friday. As they did for the first time in 2015, their website will go dark, their fulfillment center will go silent as their employees spend the day outside. Visit Montgomery County's amazing parks this weekend.
Small Business Saturday is November 26th this year- skip the mall and enjoy your local retailers that keep your money close to home and enrich your community. Farmers are the oldest small business there is. You might want to check out a year round farm and artisan market. Or visit an on-farm brewery or winery.