1. Golden Soup or the soup Pinterest wants you to make tonight. It's all over the place. I made this, it was really easy, super satisfying but had zero appeal to children, at least my children. If turmeric is not something you are familiar with, fear not, it is not a strong flavor and it's anti-inflammatory properties are said to be great for you. Part of this recipe involves roasting chickpeas (also called Garbanzo beans), another very popular thing to do right now. This was a good primer on how to do this. This used so much of the cauliflower stash I had to wait a whole week to get more. 2. Cauliflower Cheese Tots - I have not usually had good luck with "veggie pancake" kinds of meals from kid food sites. That is why I had to eat a whole muffin tin of quinoa crusted baby quiches over a week by myself. It happened the same way here - made these with grilled cheeses and they got tried but not eaten. The grownups loved them. The deep flavor of the cauliflower makes these even better than potato tots. |