Sewer Plan Threatens Ten Mile Creek
All the alternatives in the WSSC/County sewer plan are unacceptable. See our Fact Sheet on the Sewer Plan They must be replaced with a plan that provides sewer service without putting sewer pipes in Ten Mile Creek. Such alternatives do exist and have been used before in Montgomery County. Here is our letter County Council.
Email or call the County Council and County Executive Leggett today (see sample email below) and tell them don’t flush Ten Mile Creek protections-scrap this plan and hit the restart button on this process. We need a plan that keeps sewers and sewerage out of Ten Mile Creek!Thank you in advance for taking action to protect the creek from this new threat! Friends of Ten Mile Creek & Little Seneca ReservoirSend it to: [email protected], [email protected] and please cc: us - [email protected]Sample email: Dear County Executive Leggett and Councilmembers:The WSSC/Montgomery County Ten Mile Creek/Clarksburg Sewer Service Alternatives plan threatens the Ten Mile Creek watershed. All of the options presented in the WSSC/County study would do significant harm to Ten Mile Creek, its floodplain and its subwatersheds. The plan is clearly not based on the commitment to protect Ten Mile Creek as established in the Limited Master Plan Amendment. The seemingly secretive, rushed and closed process that WSSC and the County have run to arrive at this sewer plan is equally troubling. As you know, Ten Mile Creek, our last, best creek and only clean, high-quality tributary to Little Seneca Reservoir is of regional significance. We deserve a voice in its protection-that’s good government. Please scrap the WSSC/County Ten Mile Creek/Clarksburg Sewer Service Alternatives plan and hit the restart button. Let’s work together to craft a sewer plan that keeps pipes and sewage out of Ten Mile Creek! Thank you, [Your signature]